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The Top Exercises For Fitness
May 4, 2023

No matter how old you are, you can always benefit from exercising. Try these top six exercises if you want a fun way to get into shape and improve your health!


Pushups are one of the best exercises you can do. They work your arms and chest muscles as well as your core muscles. The best part about pushups is that they are simple and don’t require any equipment. To do a basic pushup, begin in a plank position with your hands directly underneath your shoulders. Slowly lower yourself until your chest touches the floor, then push back to the starting position. Do not let your hips sag or rise during this exercise because it will pressure your lower back and neck area, which can cause injury.


Planks are static exercises that target the core muscles in your body. To do planks, get into a pushup position on your hands and toes with your legs completely straight and your back flat. Hold this position for as long as possible without collapsing or sagging. You can increase the difficulty by lifting one leg off the ground at a time or holding onto something sturdy like a chair or wall for extra stability.


The lunge is an excellent exercise for strengthening your legs, glutes, and core. Lunges also help improve balance and flexibility, which makes them an all-around great exercise. Lunges are also easy to do anywhere, which makes them perfect for people who love working out but don’t always have time to go to the gym.

To do a lunge, stand with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forward or slightly outward. If your toes point inward, it could cause knee pain. Bend your knees until they’re at 90-degree angles and lower yourself down until your front knee is bent almost 90 degrees. Then push yourself back up and repeat on the other side.


Squats are an essential exercise for developing lower body strength and mass. They work everything from your quads to your calves, making them an ideal compound exercise for building muscle. Squats also have numerous health benefits, including improving blood flow, boosting metabolism, and helping with weight loss.

Standing with your toes facing forward or slightly outward, space your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart. Hold your hands behind your head or at chest level by your sides. Lower yourself by bending your knees until you reach 90 degrees; make sure not to go any further than this, or you’ll risk injury! Pause briefly in this position and then push through your heels to return to standing; repeat for as many reps as possible without compromising form.

High Knees

High knees are a great exercise to increase your heart rate. To perform the exercise, run in place and lift your knees as high as possible while keeping your legs together. You can also add a jump or two to help increase the intensity of this exercise.


Burpees are a full-body exercise that works your arms, legs, back, and core. To do a burpee, start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and squatting until your hands are squarely under your shoulders in a push-up posture. Then jump forward into a plank position, bringing both feet into the air so that only your toes touch the ground. This will be similar to jumping jacks. Then quickly reverse the movement by jumping back into starting position.


There are countless ways to work out and stay fit, but some routines may be better for you than others. Working out a routine that fits your lifestyle and strengths is important to get into the best shape possible. By adding these exercises to your fitness regimen, you can get closer to achieving your fitness goals.