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Life is short and could be challenging sometimes but there are many glorious things in your life to experience and learn. Here at Living Asana, we are a gateway to help you on your journey to find true joy, peace and happiness in your life. Our mission is to navigate you to elevate Asana (have better posture) and to live a higher quality of life, because YOU deserve the BEST!”

Psychological Healing
May 8, 2023

Everyone has experienced some trauma in their lives. Even though it can be challenging to talk about, we sometimes need to process those memories and emotions. Sometimes these memories are so overwhelming that they remain hidden in a dark corner of our minds. This can cause problems with our health, relationships, and overall state of mind. Psychological healing is a therapy where we work through these emotions to regain a healthy mind/body connection.

This article teaches you how to remember the forgotten moments of our hearts.

Acknowledge Your Pain

One of the most important things you can do to heal from trauma is to acknowledge your pain. Being aware of it, taking time to feel it, and allowing the emotions to rise is all part of the process. It’s essential not just in terms of physical healing but also emotional and mental healing.

Deriving Meaning

One of the most critical functions of memory is to give us the ability to derive meaning from our lives. In other words, it’s how we can understand what’s happened to us and how it relates to other things in our lives. Memory goes beyond just remembering facts. It also involves connecting emotions and experiences to make sense of them.

Memory is also used as a tool by our brain to help us make sense of who we are and what we want out of life. This process helps us identify our strengths, weaknesses, passions, and values to guide us in deciding what kind of life we want for ourselves.

Free Association

Free association is accessing memories not currently accessed by the conscious mind. It’s a way of breaking down barriers between different parts of your brain and allowing them to work together.

These are essential memories, too. They’re part of who we are, so we need to know them to get through life’s challenges with more strength than if we didn’t have them available for us to use during stressful moments. Remembering these things can help with emotional healing and also help you access memories that have been pushed aside by other things like stress or anxiety.

Therapeutic Writing

The purpose of therapeutic writing is to help you recall the forgotten. It’s a process that allows you to explore your innermost thoughts, emotions, and memories without judgment. The goal is to focus on the present and your own experiences instead of what happened in the past. This can be difficult for many people who have experienced trauma or abuse. Still, it can also be helpful for anyone who has trouble processing their feelings about an event that happened years ago.


Psychotherapy is another way to heal from trauma and trauma-induced disorders. It works in various ways, but the most important thing you can do is remember what happened to you and talk about it. The more you talk about it, the more your brain will start processing it healthily and working toward healing.


At first, remembering the forgotten may be overwhelming. However, this does not mean you should push it from your mind or pretend it did not happen. You may have to work at it for a time, but your mind can heal completely from all that is forgotten. Just work on a small thing at a time, and before you know it, you will begin to remember so much more of your forgotten past, and all of them will come back to you eventually.