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Photography Ideas For The Travel Photographer Who’s Stuck In A Rut
May 20, 2023

If you’ve been taking pictures for a while, you’re probably starting to feel like you’ve done it all. You might be tempted to keep shooting the same old things: flowers, landscapes, objects, but that can get boring quickly.

If you want to shoot something new and different, try these ideas for inspiration:

Shoot Your Food

It may not sound like a great idea, but it can be fun and help you break out of your rut. Try shooting your plate of food from above or below, or even behind. You might be surprised at how different your food looks when shot from an unconventional angle.

Shoot Your Travel Companions

Traveling with friends or family? Take some photos of them doing normal things like dinner or sleeping on the train. These shots will help you get to know them better as people, something that’s important for any relationship, and also help you get some interesting shots for your portfolio!

If you’re traveling solo or don’t have anyone around who wants to take pictures with you, try finding other travelers willing to let their pictures be taken. You can ask around at hostels or hotels for people who might enjoy having their photos taken.

Shoot Something You Couldn’t Do In Your Backyard

This is a great way to practice your photography skills. Shoot something you wouldn’t normally be able to shoot in your backyard. If you’re stuck in a rut, try photographing things from unusual angles or with a different lens. You might have to wait until you travel somewhere new before you can do this, but it’s worth it!

Shoot The Details

Include an object that represents where you’re visiting in your images. For example, if you’re traveling to Paris and want to include an Eiffel Tower shot, include something else that’s uniquely French such as a baguette or a beret, or even just some French fries. You also include a souvenir from the country so that people who see your image will know exactly where they are looking at.

Shoot From Above

One of the best ways to shoot new angles is from above. This can be done with a drone or a tilt-shift lens. If you have neither, there are plenty of ways to get shots from an elevated angle.

Shooting from above gives you a different perspective, which can help make your photos stand out. It also makes for some great opportunities for double exposure effects! The best thing about shooting from above is that it doesn’t require fancy equipment or experience. Just climb up on something high and take your shot!

Shoot From Below

Another way to get some variety in your photography is by looking up at things. This is especially helpful if you’re trying to capture the natural beauty of your location without getting too close to it, which can be dangerous or disruptive. Images taken from below can be quite striking and interesting, as they show details that are otherwise hidden from view.


With these ideas, we hope to inspire you to get outside of your comfort zone and shoot some exciting new images you won’t find on every social media feed. Exciting travel photography takes a lot of practice, but with time and creativity, it can be done by anyone. So, what are you waiting for? Take out your camera, pack your bags, and start shooting!