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How To Make A Marriage Work Like In Japan
May 13, 2023

Marriage is the most crucial relationship in your life. It’s a commitment you make to another person that lasts until death. However, marriage can be difficult and won’t always be accessible unless you’re lucky.

If you don’t know how to make a marriage work like in Japan, you might want to look at what Japanese people do in their relationships. Here are four ways that Japanese couples can make their marriages work so well:

They Spend Time Together As A Couple

In Japanese culture, people typically don’t get married until they’re in their late twenties or early thirties. This allows them plenty of time to meet and get to know potential partners before deciding if they want to spend their lives with them. Even when they get married, they don’t stop spending time together as a couple, which is rare in Western countries. Couples go out on dates three or four times a week and spend their weekends doing fun things together, like hiking or fishing.

Talk About Anything And Everything With Your Spouse.

Japanese people tend to be reserved regarding emotions, especially men. But they also value harmony in their relationships, so they try to express themselves openly and honestly with their spouses. This can be difficult for Westerners, who may be more reserved or private about expressing their feelings. But if you talk about anything and everything with each other, you’ll strengthen your bond.

They Share Common Interests

The Japanese believe that if you want to be with someone, you must share the same interests and hobbies. The more you have in common, the closer you’ll become as a couple. So if you want to keep your partner interested, ensure that your relationship is built on mutual respect and interest.

They Don’t Rush Into Marriage

The Japanese don’t rush into marriage because they believe it should be done on purpose and not out of mere emotion, which usually happens when couples get married too quickly. They also think that if both parties aren’t ready for marriage yet, then there’s no point in rushing into it that they can say they’re married.

They Don’t Let Money Ruin Their Marriage

In Japan, couples are expected to contribute equally to the household, and spouses stay home with the kids until they go to school.

They call it “pensioner poverty.” In other words, if one spouse loses a job or gets sick and can’t work, their partner’s income must be enough to support them and their children without savings or other assets. That’s why many Japanese couples save up before having children so they won’t have to rely on Social Security or welfare when they’re old and sick.


In conclusion, Japanese couples are very traditional and conservative. They’re more interested in raising children than having careers or even hobbies. They also tend to be loyal, supportive partners who will stick together through thick and thin.