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How To Help Your Loved Ones Get Through Emotional Trauma
May 2, 2023

Every person experiences some form of emotional trauma sometime in their life. Whether it’s a death, divorce, loss, or even moving away from a loved one, we can all struggle with the after-effects and consequences of these events. When our loved ones experience emotional trauma, it may feel like they are simply living through their present painful moment. They may be confused and overwhelmed by the things happening around them.

Getting through emotional trauma is challenging, but it can be done. Here are some tips for helping your loved ones get through their traumas and survive the experience.

Encourage Them To Seek Professional Help

Suppose you find yourself in the circumstances of your loved one going through emotional trauma. You can encourage them to seek professional help by offering support and assistance in any way possible. If they cannot talk about their feelings or feelings they want to discuss, then consider writing them down so they can express themselves freely.

Do Not Compare Their Trauma With Your Own Experiences

When a loved one is experiencing emotional trauma, it can be tempting to compare their experiences with yours. It is important to remember that everyone’s past experiences are different, and what worked for one person might not work for another. Don’t compare the situation your loved one is going through with anything else in their life; you’ll make things worse. Instead, focus on helping them feel supported through this difficult time.

Help Them Find New Coping Mechanisms And Distractors

It’s common for people to react to trauma with intense emotions, but it’s important to remember that coping mechanisms and distractors are just that. Whether you’re afraid of heights or love playing video games, these are ways for your loved one to deal with the pain and stay sane in their daily lives. If you notice these behaviors becoming a problem, consider offering support but don’t try to force them into a new way of dealing with things if they aren’t ready.

Be Patient With Their Progress And Setbacks

There are times when the progress of your loved one’s recovery from emotional trauma can feel slow-going, but what you need to know is that all of the setbacks are temporary.

Be patient with their progress and setbacks, and remember that they are going through a lot. Acknowledge their progress, but don’t push them too hard; this will only make things worse for them. If you need to talk about what’s happening with them, ensure it’s in a safe environment where they feel comfortable opening up about their feelings.

Encourage Them Not To Blame Themselves For What Happened

They may feel like they should have done something differently or that it was their fault that things went wrong. But this is not genuine everyone does things differently at times, and things happen for reasons beyond our control. Instead of blaming yourself for being there when something terrible happened, focus on being there for your loved one and helping them through this challenging time.


Most of us experience emotional trauma, whether losing a job, being diagnosed with cancer, or burying a loved one. But you don’t have to go through it alone. Always remember that you don’t have to go through the process of surviving emotional trauma alone. There are people out there who can help you through it.