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Fun Facts About Japanese Culture
May 4, 2023

The Japanese culture is one of the most fascinating and unique in the world. The country has a vibrant history, and its people are known for their polite manners and respect for others. Japan is also known for its food, fashion, and technology. If you are planning to visit this beautiful country or if you have a Japanese friend, here are some fun facts about Japanese culture that you might not be aware of:

Japanese People Bow When They Meet Each Other

Bowing is part of everyday life in Japan. It’s used to greet people and apologize for mistakes, but it can also show respect towards someone senior or more important than yourself. Bowing is so crucial that there’s even a specific type of bow called “Yoko-rei”, which means ‘to bow from the side’. This is done by putting your hands together in front of your face, then lowering your head until your hands touch the ground while still keeping them together.

There Are Vending Machines Everywhere

There aren’t many people who buy stuff from these machines as most things are cheaper when purchased at regular retail stores, but they’re still popular. Vending machines are found all over Japan, from train stations to supermarkets and even parks. They sell everything from drinks to cigarettes and even lottery tickets.

Most Japanese People Don’t Drink Coffee

Coffee is a popular beverage in many countries, but it’s not so much in Japan. Many people think the Japanese don’t drink coffee, but that’s not true. There are some areas where you can find coffee shops, and some people drink it occasionally, but most people still don’t drink coffee.

They Love Animals

The Japanese love animals and keep them as pets. Even though keeping pets is not allowed in some apartments, most people still keep pets because it’s part of their lifestyle in Japan. You’ll see cats roaming around almost everywhere. Some people even take their cats out for walks like dogs.

Japanese People Know How To Work Out

They are known for their healthy lifestyle, and their physical fitness levels are above average compared to other countries worldwide. If you want to join in on their health craze, you can start by visiting gyms and fitness centers where they offer yoga classes and aerobics classes as well as other exercise programs that will get your blood pumping even more than usual.

Wearing White Shoes After Labor Day Is A Big No-no

In Japan, wearing white shoes after Labor Day is considered taboo. It is believed that this rule was created because the summertime in Japan is so hot that people would sweat a lot, and their feet would get dirty from the dust. Therefore, they decided to wear black shoes instead of white ones during summertime to avoid getting their feet dirty.


Figuring out the different cultures of people living in other countries is challenging. It requires careful research, patient listening, examining openness to learning from mistakes, and enough time to make visits back to the country. These five facts about Japanese culture should help anyone understand that the Japanese culture is rich, vibrant, and deep in history.