Welcome to Living Asana!

Life is short and could be challenging sometimes but there are many glorious things in your life to experience and learn. Here at Living Asana, we are a gateway to help you on your journey to find true joy, peace and happiness in your life. Our mission is to navigate you to elevate Asana (have better posture) and to live a higher quality of life, because YOU deserve the BEST!”

Things To Look For In A Travel Insurance Plan

Things To Look For In A Travel Insurance Plan

If you're planning to travel abroad, it's important to have the right travel insurance. A good policy will protect your belongings and health in case of theft or loss and offer assistance if you get sick or injured while away from home. Plan in advance. You don't want...

Mistakes People Make When They Travel

Mistakes People Make When They Travel

Whether you are heading on your fifth adventure abroad or haven't left the comfort of home in a while, you must remember the common mistakes people make when they travel. Planning a trip is exciting but getting yourself and your companions to your destination safely,...

Photography Ideas For The Travel Photographer Who’s Stuck In A Rut

Photography Ideas For The Travel Photographer Who’s Stuck In A Rut

If you've been taking pictures for a while, you're probably starting to feel like you've done it all. You might be tempted to keep shooting the same old things: flowers, landscapes, objects, but that can get boring quickly. If you want to shoot something new and...

Tips for Packing for Travel

Tips for Packing for Travel

Packing for travel can be a lot of fun, but it can also be a lot of work. If you enjoy packing, you probably have a pretty good system. However, if you're like most people, you may find that packing is one of the least enjoyable parts of getting ready to go on...

How To Travel Cheaply

How To Travel Cheaply

Traveling is expensive, and finding ways to save money on the road can be challenging. But there are plenty of ways to do it. Here are some tips to help you save money while traveling: If you're going on a long trip, bring some food with you, so you don't have to buy...

6 Things To Pack In Your Travel Bag

6 Things To Pack In Your Travel Bag

Traveling with a bag carrying all your essentials is always a good idea. If you are heading out for a short trip, it is essential to pack light and only bring what you need. But if you are traveling for extended periods, it is better to have a more oversized bag that...

5 Tips for A Successful Road Trip

5 Tips for A Successful Road Trip

Road trips are one of the best ways to see the world. They offer a chance to get away from it and share experiences with friends and family. But if you're planning on taking a road trip, here are five tips for making sure your road trip is as successful as possible:...

Tips For Your First Solo Trip

Tips For Your First Solo Trip

Now is the time to do it if you've ever considered traveling alone. Solo travel has become more prevalent in recent years, with more and more people choosing to go away on their own and enjoy the experience of exploring a new place without any distractions, whether...

Must See Travel Destinations In The World

Must See Travel Destinations In The World

There are a lot of places around the world that are worth visiting. Some are famous for their historical significance, while others are popular because they are simply beautiful. Some countries, like Iceland and Peru, are filled with natural beauty. Machu Picchu Machu...

Things You Should Do On A Road Trip

Things You Should Do On A Road Trip

You can do many things on a road trip that doesn't involve driving. You can stop, eat, sleep and explore. But if you want to maximize your time on the road and make the most of your journey, there are a few things that should go on every trip itinerary. Take Pictures...