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Things You Don’t Know About Japanese Culture But Should
May 3, 2023

The Japanese culture is not complete without its extensive traditions, which fascinate many people. If you want to know about Japan, you should check our article about some things that you might not know about the culture of Japan but should.

What Is The Japanese Word For “house”?

The word for “house” in Japanese is いえ (ie). It comes from the Chinese word 家 (jia), which has the same meaning. This is one of many examples demonstrating how much Chinese culture influenced Japanese culture.

What Does The Japanese Word For “book” Tell Us About Japanese Culture?

The Japanese word for book is 本 (hon), which also means “main stem” or “trunk.” This is because wooden covers traditionally bound books with paper pages, usually placed on a shelf or table like a tree trunk. This may seem strange to us today, but it’s pretty common for languages around the world to use words that describe physical objects as metaphors for concepts that can’t be seen with the naked eye, like an idea or feeling, just like how we might use words like “heart” or “mind.”

What Is A Kenjo?

Kenjo is a Japanese word that means “private school.” If you are interested in learning Japanese, you will probably want to take a class at one of these schools. There are two main types of kenjo: juku and eikaiwa. Juku is a teaching institution that provides private lessons for students who have been placed there by their parents or other adults. Eikaiwa schools are similar to juku but provide English education instead of Japanese language education.

How Many Sounds Does Japanese Have?

Japanese has between 30 and 50 sounds, depending on how they are counted. The exact number depends on how you define “sound” and “word.” For example, suppose you count all possible combinations of vowels and consonants as different words even though they may be pronounced identically. The number jumps up to around 60 or 70 sounds. But if you count each combination once (for example, saying “kite” as if it were two separate words), then the number drops to about 30 or 40 sounds.

What Do Japanese Mean By “wabi-sabi”?

Wabi-sabi is a concept that’s been around since the 12th century, although it wasn’t called wabi-sabi until the 20th century. The word “wabi” means “simple” or “humble,” and the word “sabi” means “the beauty of natural simplicity.” For example, if you see an old teacup with a crack, you might describe it as wabi-sabi. It may not be perfect, but it still has beauty because of its age and imperfections. This concept is important in Japanese culture because it emphasizes the appreciation of life’s imperfections and impermanence.

What Happens At A Typical Japanese Wedding?

In Japan, weddings are usually small and simple affairs. The bride wears a white kimono, but it’s not as elaborate as Western dresses. They walk down the aisle together with their hands joined in front of them instead of having the groom carry her over the threshold to symbolize entering her new husband’s home. No honeymoon or post-wedding celebration exists because they want to return to work as soon as possible.


If you have an interest in Japanese culture, that’s great! You’re also likely to run into some unfamiliar concepts every so often. While learning about every aspect of the culture at once may be difficult, plenty of resources can help increase your knowledge of the culture. Use them to get through what you can and save the rest for another time.