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New Car Rules For Operating A Car
May 7, 2023

If you’re a new driver or want to know what you should be doing before hitting the roads with your family, this blog post contains a comprehensive list of rules you should know. Don’t worry if you’re not a driver. These apply to anyone who operates a motor vehicle.

Follow The Rules Of The Road

The first rule of driving is simple: follow the rules of the road. These are meant to keep everyone safe, so make sure you’re following them! You’ll also want to use your mirrors and check your blind spots before changing lanes or turning. It’s also important to follow speed limits, which can vary depending on what type of road you’re driving on.

Never Drive After Drinking Alcohol

Driving under the influence of alcohol is illegal and dangerous, and it could result in serious consequences if you get pulled over by police. Make sure you have a designated driver who doesn’t drink when you go out at night or call an Uber or taxi if necessary. If you find yourself in this situation anyway, pull over as soon as possible so that someone else can take control of the car until it’s safe for everyone to continue driving again.

Wear Your Seatbelt At All Times While Driving

Your seatbelt will help save your life if you’re involved in a crash or rollover accident. It also helps prevent injuries from occurring during minor bumps or fender benders that occur every day on our roads.

Never Speed

Speed limits are set for a reason, and you should always stick to them unless you drive on an empty road. Speeding puts you at risk of getting into an accident and injuring yourself or others. It can also result in a fine if caught by the police.

Never Drive If You’re Tired Or Sleepy

Driving while tired or sleepy can have devastating consequences. You’re more likely to make mistakes behind the wheel when your body isn’t performing at its best if you feel tired while driving, pull over somewhere safe, and take a break from driving until you’ve had some sleep.

Never Drive If You Are Feeling Upset

It’s easy to think that you’re in control of your emotions and actions when you’re driving a car. But this isn’t always the case. It can be difficult to focus on the road ahead if you’re stressed out, upset, or angry. Try not to drive if you are feeling overly emotional or anxious or if someone has recently done something that has made you mad. Let someone else take over for a little while until you’ve cooled off and regained control of your emotions.

Never Use Your Phone While Driving

Using a cell phone while driving can be very distracting, especially when texting or using social media apps. This can lead to accidents and even death if you must use a cell phone on the road and pull over first before doing so.

Always Try Not To Drive At Night

Driving at night is always risky, and this is because you can’t see very far ahead of you. So you might miss something like a pedestrian or another vehicle coming towards you. In addition, it can be difficult for other people on the road to see your vehicle. Therefore, if you need to go somewhere during late hours, ensure you have enough lights so that other drivers can easily spot your car from a distance.


Many of these rules seem a bit obvious, which is why the DMV thought it would be best to put them together in a series of posters. Hopefully, you’ll never have the chance to learn these the hard way.