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Life is short and could be challenging sometimes but there are many glorious things in your life to experience and learn. Here at Living Asana, we are a gateway to help you on your journey to find true joy, peace and happiness in your life. Our mission is to navigate you to elevate Asana (have better posture) and to live a higher quality of life, because YOU deserve the BEST!”

6 Most Important Exercises For Beginners
May 22, 2023

Not all exercises are created equal. Some are better suited for beginners than others, and some are better suited for more advanced trainees.

The following six exercises are crucial for any beginner who wants to progress. If you’re starting, it’s best to stick with these until you’re comfortable enough with the movements to go to more challenging variations of each exercise.


The squat is the king of all exercises. It’s one of the best exercises for your legs, glutes, and core muscles. You can do it with or without weight, but you must learn how to do it properly before adding any extra weight, so you don’t injure yourself. If you’re having trouble doing it correctly, watch videos for a demonstration.


Push-ups are one of the most basic exercises everyone should do regularly. They work your chest, shoulders, and triceps muscles. Once you can do more than ten push-ups in a row while maintaining proper form, move on to doing them on the floor. If push-ups are too complicated, start leaning against a wall until you get stronger.


Planks are another great core exercise that helps build strength throughout your entire body, especially in the abs and lower back area. Imagine an apple between your butt cheeks to achieve the perfect plank position, and try not to let it drop out! Do this exercise on its own,n or add some spice by holding a light dumbbell between your feet.


Deadlifts are essential exercises for beginners because they work practically every muscle in your body. It’s a compound movement, which means it involves multiple joints and muscle groups. Deadlifts are also known as squats without knee bends. Correctly performed deadlifts strengthen your glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, abs, and lower back.

Bench Presses

The bench press is another great compound exercise that works for most major muscle groups in your body (especially the chest and triceps), but it also requires more skill than deadlifts or squats. Bench presses can be dangerous if you don’t know how to do them properly, especially if you’re using heavy weights, so make sure you know what you’re doing before attempting this exercise.


Lunges are an excellent exercise for beginners. They work your legs, core, and glutes all at once. Plus, they’re straightforward to do. Step forward with one foot and lower yourself until your front knee is bent 90 degrees. Then push off that leg and return to standing while you alternate between legs. Make sure you keep your back straight (don’t lean forward) and your knees pointed in the same direction as your toes (no twisting).


Try some beginner exercises if you’re looking for a great way to start working out and staying motivated. They’re easy to do at home or anywhere else, giving you a great workout without being too hard on your body.